Testing to rebuild confidence

One of the Government’s key pillars for easing lockdown measures is mass testing, crucial for restoring confidence in the global economy. The safe screening of employees, customers, suppliers and contractors will enable healthy staff to return to work quickly and safely. Until now, organisation-wide testing has proved difficult to implement; current tests on the market are invasive, slow to return results and the validity of results has been questioned.

Wkrótce w sprzedaży

97% Accuracy

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98% Specificity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

92% Sensitivity

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A Digital Health Status App for iOS ad Android is currently being developed. Follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest news on development progress.

Full Facial recognition and Identity Document Scanning
Unique Home and Workplace test verification capability using Computer Vision
Legal declaration with approved e-signing
Patent Pending

Dezynfekcja powierzchni

Działa do 30 dni tworząc molekularną powłokę ochronną

Maseczki trójwarstwowe

Dzięki powłoce Zoono działają do 20 prań

Testy antygenowe

97% skuteczność, nie inwazyjne z wynikiem już po 15 minutach